Category Archives: Life in General

I’m Back!

When I started this blog I said I’d try to keep it afloat. Well, that didn’t really happen (I got sucked back into my cat blog again). Anyone who’s read my other blog recently will know that I have had to make a tough decision this week and because of that my cat blog will probably slow down a lot for the time being. I will try to get this one up to speed in order to feed my blogging habit. I’ve had some ideas for a few posts, and also, I have lots of plans for the next 12 months so that should give me things to write about on here (I’ve decided that the best thing to do now is to keep busy).

I’ll put some more photos on here soon. I have a collection of nice pictures of my travels from the last couple of years. Then hopefully, I will have some good things to report about my current goals. I may even post a tick list so you can all support me (give me a kick up the arse!) if you don’t see those ticks appearing. I am one of the world’s most accomplished (or least accomplished, depending on how you look at it) procrastinators!

I’m writing a proper blog post at the moment. This is just a re-hello after Mrs O. of Team Oyeniyi linked to my atheist/morals post  and reminded me that I do in fact have a second blog!
Thank you Mrs O! 🙂

But Surely Atheists Can’t Have Morals (!)

I have just finished The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I found it to be a very fascinating and engaging read. This is the first book that I have by Dawkins and it has definitely got me eager for more. I was already an atheist, so I can’t say that this book changed my beliefs, but what it has done is open up a new need to learn, renewing my thirst for knowledge.

I won’t do a whole book review here. A fellow blogger (Sift Through The Static) has recently written a great review that I don’t feel I could really match. So I’d like to concentrate on what I personally got from the book. Read the rest of this entry

Brazil: A Country of Extremes


A couple of kids routing through rubbish. It was not clear to me whether they were playing or looking for something. As all the rubbish on this embankment has been thrown there from the houses these kids live in, I tend to think that they’re playing. Two more kids look down from the top of the wall, pointing. I think this scene is equivalent to retrieving a ball that’s gone over a neighbour’s fence.

This is the view from the side window of my apartment. These are my neighbours.

This rubbish strewn embankment (and our condo’s high wall with electrified fencing on it!) is all that physically distances us from the inhabitants of this small favela. Read the rest of this entry

Me, My Photos and I

sony and me

I have developed quite a taste for photography since I’ve been here. It started with the digital camera that my parents bought for me before I flew out. My father takes the buying of technology very seriously and spent considerable time reviewing and looking up info for each of the compact cameras that were available at the time. The one that he and I finally settled on was the little Sony (in silver not pink, though I was very tempted).

So most of the photos I will be posting were taken with this small but very effective (in my opinion) Sony Cybershot. I sometimes use my husband’s fancy changable-lens Pentax, but sadly it’s out of commission at the moment after being dropped onto the tile floor by the beasts.

I’d love to be all fancy, like the more professional photographers, and tell you what settings and lenses I used for each photo but in all truth I usually can’t remember.

I’ll gradually be posting a selection of my favorite photos from the last couple of years. It’s a good opportunity to sort out and re-arrange all the jumbled up photo folders on my computer for one thing.  Hopefully each photo will have a story, but I may post some (ones that I am particularly proud of) on their own and let the image speak for itself.

So to start with let me show you some photos I took of what is, probably, one of the most iconic tourist attractions on the globe:

Cristo Redentor or Christ the Redeemer.

Cristo Redentor Read the rest of this entry

Hello world!

Hello eveyone,

I’ve started a new blog for everything in my life that isn’t cat related. The header pretty much says it all. I’m hoping to include stories and photos of my life here as well as any poems I may write (there probably won’t be a lot of those) and pictures of art and craft projects that I am currently working on or have completed (when I finally get my arse in gear and start to make things again).

I don’t forsee this blog being updated as regularly as my other one, but I will try to keep it afloat.